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2017 November

November 28, 2017

The World’s Oldest and Largest Investment Management Organizations

Jeffrey Norin

Investment Product Management Analyst

Capital Group

Graduated 2013

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12 Companies from the Career Fair Give Advice on Life After College

The University of Oregon 2017-18 Fall Career Fair had 104 employers attend! Of course, we had one of our Research Assistants, Eric Pham, attend and compile a list of advice that representatives of each company had for students transitioning into life after college. Here are the results:

Eric: “Name, company and best advice for life after college.”

Andrew Fisher: “Don’t Stress s o much about getting a job, get your foot in the door somewhere.”

Jason: “My best advice for life after college is to have goals yet, take one day at a time. And don’t forget, do what makes you happy, whether it be your career or your personal life.”

Bianca: “Congratulations on your upcoming graduation and you are definitely entering the most exciting part of your life. Good luck!”

Dana Del Mar: “Get your LinkedIn profile set up and when you are describing what you do, it’ll be on your day-to-day tasks and talk about how you can quantify the results you’ve done. Within tech, specifically in start-ups, iterative process is really important. So, understanding the thought process behind how you’ve built something or experienced something and then how you recreated it and improved it is really critical. Seeing audacity and results.”

John Barker: “Be open to any opportunities and be coachable. Wherever you go, you’re going to be learning a lot of new things. So, embrace the teaching and the coaching and the mentorship you get wherever you go.”

Jordan Jones: “Be open to any opportunities and be coachable. Wherever you go, you’re going to be learning a lot of new things. So, embrace the teaching and the coaching and the mentorship you get wherever you go.”

Kayla: “Find what you like to do and then do that.”

Kevin Allen: “Find your passion. Find what you care about. Don’t worry about the money that you’re going to make or anything. Just focus on what you love and pursue that. And you’ll find that your career will develop itself if you’re doing what you love. As long as you are doing something you love, you’re not working. You’re not working a day in your life. And that’s what it was for me. I had a previous career after I graduated from Univesity of Oregon. My passion was Journalism and Radio. I did that for 12 years and then suddenly I got involved with the Police Bureau as a Reserve Officer and I found that that was my new passion. I followed that and my career has been wonderful since then.”

Lauren Williams: “Be open to possibilities. You have no idea where your life is going to take you. Knock on different doors, explore different opportunities and stay true to your values.”

Lisa Rhee: “Research companies that you’re passionate about and find out if they’re a good fit for you. Because they’re definitely going to do that with you and find out if you’re a good fit for them. It goes both ways.”

Nataly Brandon: “It’s never too early to think about your finances or to plan on where you want to end up in the future.”

Robert Bron: “Be very open-minded. Your major and experiences won’t necessarily dictate your career for your whole life. So, be very open to change and exploring new avenues.”

Stacy Bazzana: “Pursue a graduate degree. Set yourself apart.”